

adolfo picture

Adolfo Villafiorita

michele picture

Michele Bof

They have contributed to past versions

Aaron picture
Aaron Ciaghi
Pietro picture
Pietro Molini
And also...
Ali Al-Shammari, Federico Badini, Stefano Bodini, Andrea Bontempelli, Birhanu Mekuria Eshete, Giulio Michelon, Lorenzo Rigato,Alessandro Torresani, Komminist Sisai Weldemariam, Roberto Zen.


In addition to the activities related to the development of the platform, the BringTheFood team is engaged in a series of initiatives for the reduction of waste and the circular economy.


Year: 2020

Info: link

EAT Circular started in November 2019 and has the goal of training public and private officers on strategies to reduce our “food print”, that is, the amount of food we waste. Topics covered by the training session include policy, best practices, processes, business model and technologies to measure food waste/surplus, “divert” it, and avoid disposal.

Il Cibo tra eccessi e scarsità

Info: link

This book explores different aspects - historical, sociological, ethical, technical, religious - of the food universe, by experimenting with non-traditional forms of scientific communication, which include two products of human ingenuity generally considered less noble than abstract reasoning: images and recipes. In this sense, it could be defined as a convivial book: a table around which food is circulated, which must be chosen, chewed, swallowed and digested, but where there is also space to tell, reason, smile, discuss animatedly.


Year: 2017

Cibopoli is the didactic activity to educate in the reduction of waste and good nutrition. The activity, designed for students attending the last years of elementary and middle schools, was brought to Educa, the education festival and to various schools in the province of Genoa and Trento.

Zero a Scuola

Year: 2016

Info: link

With the Zero a Scuola project we carried out a survey of food waste in some school canteens in Trentino, accompanied by meetings on the Ecological Footprint and good nutrition aimed at middle school students. The project produced an analysis of the waste and satisfaction of over 3400 meals by the users of the canteens involved.


Year: 2016

With PelDiCarota project we carried out an analysis of the waste generated during the processing of fresh products in a CIRFOOD canteen. The data made it possible to precisely measure the losses made during each phase of the processing of different fresh products, identifying possible areas for improvement in the processing in order to reduce the useful quantity of product discarded.